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Using TikTok to market your business for FREE

The world of social media can be daunting, especially if you're someone who tends to keep their digital footprint as small as possible. But as a business owner, you could be missing out on thousands of weekly views, simply by not using social media to your advantage. We completely understand how scary it is to put your first piece of content out on the internet, we've been there, and we've had to go through the exact same process. And today we're here to give you some marketing tips for posting on the social media giant that is TikTok!

So if you want learn some simple ways to market your business to thousands, if not, millions of people, completely for free... then read on!

Getting Started: Setting up your profile

Good news! You get to delay posting your first piece of content for just a little bit longer whilst we get your business' TikTok page created!

We promise this is super simple to do and it will only take you a matter of minutes before you have a super solid profile to work with...

Step 1: Download TikTok from your device's app store or head to on your computer's browser

Step 2: Choose a sign up option provided (Facebook, Apple, Google, Email, Phone)

Np. We recommend signing up using either a work 'email' or 'Google' account as this can be shared with other people within your business without having to give out personal information.

Step 3: Enter Email/Google verification code & choose a password

Np. Your password should be something secure and easy for YOU to remember. Try using both UPPER and lowercase lettering, numbers, as well as special characters (e.g. @!*&£$) to make it more secure.

Step 4: Choose your username

Np. You ideally want your username to be as close to your business name as possible. For example our business is 'Pinboard Media' and on all social platforms our username is '@pinboardmedia'.

If your business name is already taken, or is too long, try and get the closest name possible. This can be done by adding in underscores (@pinboard_media), taking out words (@pinboard), or even by adding in extra letters (@ppinboardmedia).

However you choose to do it, make it as close to your business name as possible, and make it easy to remember for both you and your customers.

Step 5: Create an engaging bio

Np. The niche of your business will alter what an 'optimised' bio looks like. However a general rule of thumb is to have 3 short lines explaining who you are, what you do, and a call-to-action.

Creating Content to Market Your Business

We see it quite often that business owners think they have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to making content for their business. When it reality all you have to do is look at what's already working and put your own spin on it.

Idea 1: Follow current trends

TikTok is filled with trends and viral ideas just waiting to help your business boom. The easiest way to find trends that your business can use is to copy others. We don't mean literally copy their videos, but find businesses in the same niche as you which are doing well, and see which trends they're hoping on to help them grow!

Idea 2: Promotions & Giveaways

The idea of giveaways and promotions are nothing new, in fact they where being used for marketing long before TikTok was even invented. However, promotions on TikTok can reach a global audience, and they're completely free to create.

Simply think of an offer, giveaway, or promotion to run on TikTok (ideas below) and then create a series of videos promoting the new campaign to your followers and people on the for-you-page (FYP).

Promotion Example 1: Create a series of videos about a mystery skincare box giveaway. Post videos every 2-3 days with clues on what's inside the box. Choose a follower goal/video like goal and end the promotion once you hit the intended figures. Winner selected at random from your video likes/page followers.

Promotion Example 2: Create a series of videos promoting a 'new TikTok discount' which will only be active on your website until you reach 'x' number of followers. This would work for all e-commerce or service based business, and will boost website engagement, as well as increase sales and conversions.

Idea 3: Create behind-the-scenes & community based content

Long gone are the days of super polished videos getting the most views. In the current TikTok era, a low quality phone video has the same chance of going viral as a £10,000 camera video does.

Simple videos such as 'spend a day with me in the office' or 'a day in the life of a small business owner' will resonate with viewers much better. The reason being is they're videos which anyone could create, meaning they match the demographic of anyone with a mobile phone.

These videos only require about an hour to edit and record the voice over for. The actual video clips can come from random things you film throughout the day as a business owner anyway.

Don't overthink the content you produce. Think of the type of content you enjoy seeing as a business owner and try and make your videos link in some way.

Final Tips & Advice

TikTok is a fast-paced platform, with new trends coming and going every single week. So don't worry if you miss out on a trend which would have been perfect for your business... because we can almost guarantee that there'll be another one very soon.

We've been helping businesses on TikTok for close to 2 years now, and our biggest success stories are the clients who stayed consistent with their uploads and kept feeding the algorithm.

So if you only take one piece of advice away from this blog post... Stay Consistent

Whether that's 2, 3, 5, 7 videos a week, keep posting them and just wait for the results to grow and grow.

There are lots of ways to monetise your TikTok account as a business, some of which you can do from day 1. If that's a post you'd be interested in reading, let us know at and we'll do our best to notify you once it's written.

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